Monday, June 1, 2009

Busy May

Time is FLYING! I can't believe May has come and gone. I apologize for the massive post, but this is more for me than anyone else right? Anyway, here are some pics of our May highlights.

My only picture of Andi this time. I can't believe my baby is 4 months old! This was her at 3 1/2 months. She has found her voice the last couple weeks. Boy does this girl know how to scream. I figured she couldn't stay perfect forever!

Dane's preschool graduation. So cute. Wow, I am going to have a kindergartener. Weird.

This is when he said he wanted to be a doctor when he grows up. I tried to get him to tell me why today, but his answer was beyond my comprehension. Something to do with his imaginary games I think.

Dane with Miss Chez. We love you Chez!

My big Daner is 5! Wow!

Thanks to Martha Stewart. Stop and Goo birthday cake for our little friend party.

I can't believe how old he looks in this picture. I feel like he aged a full year in one day.

Our first family camping trip. We bought an old tent trailer a couple weeks ago and took it out for the first time up to Strawberry. It was so beautiful up there. We had such a great time. It was a great success, except for the fact it was 40 degrees that night and poor little Andi froze. We learned a few things that trip, most importantly that we need a little heater! She recovered and we can't wait for our next trip!


Missy said...

Call us for the next camping trip! The kids would have a blast!!
Cute pics! Andi looks a lot like Dane!

*~Sarah~* said...

I just love Dane. He's so smart and such a good listener in primary.. Thats so exciting you have a tent trailer now! We will have to go together sometime

Jennie said...

I know what you mean about having a kindergartener. WIERD!! And just wait until Andi is 2 and she really learns what squeeling is all about. I swear with 2 girls I don't know how my ears have survived some days.