Monday, February 20, 2012

Hoping for a better tomorrow...again

Hey everyone. I haven't posted because nothing much has changed since Saturday. I think he is a little bit better still, but not enough to get excited about. We keep hoping that tomorrow he is going to show some real improvement but it just hasn't happened tomorrow yet :(

Anyway, not to be too down, he is a little better and he did say today that he feels a little better. He still has the NG tube that keeps his stomach empty, and he is still REALLY weak and in a LOT of pain, and he still has the catheter and ... Nothing has really changed as far as that goes. The doctors did sew up his open incision this morning, so I guess that means they are confident that the infection is under control, and his WBC count has gone down which shows an improvement with the infection.

Two positive things! Sorry I sound like such a downer all the time. Why can't I have my dad's optimistic attitude? I feel like a lot of the time I am just the opposite. I guess we balance each other out sometimes, often much to the other's frustration ;) His optimism has definitely taken a back seat this last 10 days though and has been replaced by frustration. The social worker used the right word the other day for dad, "crestfallen". It is hard to see him that way...

Pray for a better day tomorrow!


Amylee said...

Hoping for a better tomorrow for all of you. We'll keep praying.

Sarah said...

I am very sorry to hear what your family is going through. Please know you and your family our in our prayers!

Emily said...

Hey Darcy, thanks for the updates, give your parents our love. Emy and family

Ali said...

Hi Darcy, I had no idea about your dad.Your parents are so wonderful! Our prayers are with your family, thanks for the updates.