Friday, February 24, 2012

Tubeless! Well, almost...

Great news! It has been a good couple of days. He is down to 192 pounds from 204 two days ago! I never thought I would be glad he was losing weight :) I am sure it feels so good to get so much of that fluid off. AND...

He got the NG tube, catheter and his belly drain taken out today! His pain is a little better and he has walked quite a bit more today. I felt like that NG tube would never come out the way he was the other night when I was there, but it seems that his stomach might finally be coming around.

So, he will start on an ensure diet, I would think tomorrow maybe, and then progress until his digestive system is doing it all on his own and then he should be able to come home on his antibiotics. Hopefully only a few more days!

Thank you again for all of your prayers and concern and service. We all need it :)


The Tomlinsons said...

Great news! So glad he's showing improvement.

Nelson said...

Such wonderful news! I am so grateful.

Breona said...

Hoping he keeps improving. Thats a great sign if they felt confident to take all those tubes out. Prayers.

Amylee said...

Darcy!!! This is amazing news! I hope he keeps getting better. What would we do without ensure? I think my Grandma lived on that stuff for the last 4 years of her life :).